Suchergebnisse für: keady

Far Right Reading List Shows Link Between Its Literature and Real-World Violence

by Joseph Keady First published at on July 5, 2020. On May 4, far right personalities Milo Yiannopoulos and Michelle Malkin published what they call their “America First” reading list as a Google Doc that they then promoted through

Labour in the Era of Fictitious Capital

Deutsche Version By Norbert Trenkle* 1. It is widely understood that social production in capitalist society takes the form of commodity production. That is why Marx quite rightly regarded the commodity as the “elementary form” of capitalist wealth and chose

Crise mundial e limites do capital

Entrevista com Ernst Lohoff e Norbert Trenkle   Richard Jellen: Como Marx nos ajuda a entender a crise atual melhor do que outros teóricos? Ernst Lohoff: Para responder isso, primeiro temos que atentar para o debate sobre a crise atual,

Neoliberalism Turned into the Godfather of the Finance Industry: Ernst Lohoff and Norbert Trenkle Discuss the Economic and Financial Crisis – Part 3 of 3

Deutsche Version Questions by Reinhard Jellen, Translated from the original German by Joe Keady, Originally published in: Telepolis August 6, 2012, Part 1 of this interview is here; part 2 is here. During the Keynesian era, the state established itself

The Economic Crisis and Fictitious Capital: Ernst Lohoff and Norbert Trenkle Discuss the Economic and Financial Crisis – Part 2 of 3

Deutsche Version Questions by Reinhard Jellen, Translated from the original German by Joe Keady, Originally published in: Telepolis August 2, 2012, Part 1 of this interview is here; part 3 is here While both neoliberal and Keynesian theorists prefer to

Making Every Central Bank a Bad Bank: Ernst Lohoff and Norbert Trenkle Discuss the Economic and Financial Crisis – Part 1 of 3

Deutsche Version Questions by Reinhard Jellen, Translated from the original German by Joe Keady, Originally published in: Telepolis on August 1, 2012, Part 2 of this interview is here; part 3 is here Black clouds on the horizon: With economies

Leftward Swing to the Right

Deutsche Version Ernst Lohoff Euro-skeptics are not the only ones who believe that Europe should say goodbye to the euro – some social liberals do as well. And instead of an anti-capitalist critique, there is a kind of economic neo-nationalism

The Metaphysical Subtleties of Class Struggle

On the Unspoken Premises of an Odd Retro-Discourse